Ana Craze
Tips and Tricks
Ana Pride
Tips and Tricks
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Tips for staying focused:

~drink ICE water and plenty of it
~chew on ice when you're hungry instead of food
~curl up in a ball when hungry
~sit up straight (will actually burn more calories)
~stay cold (your body has to work harder to keep your temp up)
~never eat anything bigger than your fist (of course just try to never eat)
~stay out of your house and away from food (dont bring money so you cant buy food)
~take a food (like and apple) and cut it into 8 slices (2 for breakfast, 2 for lunch 2 for dinner and 2 for a snack)
~wear lipgloss (you wont eat so you wont have to reapply)
~when hungry, clean up dog poop or do something else that will make you lose your appetite
~sleep on your left side (it helps the digestive system)
~take a deep breath and count to 100 to take you mind off food
~brush your teeth, so you wont want to eat (after that gross mint flavor)
~fidget constantly to burn calories
~make a notebook (more details in "notebook" section)
~make your own pro-ana site (and give me the url so i can add it to my links)

Tricks for not getting caught:

~take vitamins daily so you can get nutrients from places othe than food
~get enough sleep
~whenever people are around pretend like you're snacking
~get protein whenever you eat
~chew your food and spit it into your cup as you "take a drink" (practice this before you try it in public)
~eat only the 5th bite so people will see you swallow
~never tell anyone unless you are POSITIVE that they are ana also